Big life lessons for little kids: could and couldn't are not afraid of the dark

Auteur : Brandy
Éditeur : Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd
ISBN : 9789814771306
Date de publication : 4 mai 2017
Dimensions : 19,0 x 19,0 cm
Langue : Anglais
Pays d'origine : Singapour

CAN, CAN'T, COULD, COULDN'T, DID, DIDN'T, WAS, WASN'T, WILL and WON'T - known collectively as the CAN DOs - are all friends and they each have something to teach your child. From sharing and perseverance to doing homework and being a good sport, the CAN DOs help you as a parent lay the foundations for a well-rounded, confident and outgoing child.

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