Small, sparkling raindrop: a fact-filled picture book about the water cycle with a large fold-out (ages 4-8)

Auteur : Auld, Mary
Éditeur : Mama Makes Books
ISBN : 9781916780101
Date de publication : 1 mai 2025
Dimensions : 23,0 x 23,0 x 1,0 cm
Poids : 331 g
Format : Picture book; B511
Langue : Anglais
Pays d'origine : Grande Bretagne

Start Small, Think Big is a primary science picture book series with a big fold-out map that takes young readers from the small and familiar to new areas of knowledge where they have to think big! Small, Sparkling Raindrop is about the water cycle, showing why clean, healthy rivers are vital for people and wildlife.

17,49 €
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